Minooka's Junior ATH Connor Etzkorn Talks 2018 Season & Future

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams
Connor Etzkorn Minooka Class of 2020 WR/RB 5'8 160

Connor Etzkorn how was your season?
I would say my season was successful. There were a lot of things I was able to improve on both physically and mentally with the game. That along with the good season we had, containing a trip to the playoffs, is why I would say it was successful.
What does Minooka football mean to you?
Minooka football means more to me than words can describe. It’s not only my passion for the game, it’s having such a big impact on the community, and the immense amount of support that we are able to get from everyone, and creating that brotherhood filled with guys that I can always count on. All of these culminate into Minooka football being something very special to me.
What would you like college coaches to know about you?
I’d like them to know that I’m willing to do whatever will benefit the team the most and that there won’t be a moment where I’m not giving all the effort I have into something
How good can this Minooka team be for next season?
As good as we’re willing to be. Once all of our guys discover that championship mentality where it’s more important to us than it is to anyone else that’s when we will be successful. And with the group we have returning, I don’t think it will be a problem discovering that championship mentality.
What motivates a Connor Etzkorn?
That knowing what I do on the field isn’t just for me, it’s for every single guy on our roster, our coaches, and the people that support us. Seeing that there’s is a much bigger picture ahead is what motivates me to do the best I can in everything I do.
Who is a young Minooka player that I should be on the lookout for?
I would say Mason Cave is one of our guys to watch this season. As a starter on varsity his sophomore year last year he has a lot of potential and will be making big plays on the defensive side of the ball.
What game are looking most forward to next season?
There are actually two games I am looking forward to and that’s against Plainfield South and Oswego. I’m also excited for the new teams coming into our conference with West Aurora and Yorkville, but Oswego and South are the ones I can’t wait for.
What do you plan on working on in the offseason to improve your game?
I just want to become more of a leader to the team and be able to have the ability to lift everyone one up and make everyone around me great players.
Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA