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Manteno vs Plano Deep Dish Football GOTW Preview for Friday Night

Both teams come from the interstate eight large, and both teams have the talent to go far in the class four a bracket. One team will only be able play next week , while the other team will talk about what could have been. Plano has met Manteno this season, with 21 Point deficit early the Reapers came back with 46 points that game and the win. Plano's Tyler Ward tossed 4 TDs in that game and was the key player that night for the Reaper Win. Both teams feature two of the strongest senior classes in mid-level play in Illinois. So for both classes on both teams, this is much needed win for the seniors. Look for a game to feature two swarming defenses and a great short pass game from Manteno, that is on of the best in the Interstate Eight.


Tyler Ward Plano QB

Gavin Zimbelman QB

Game Rating out of 5


Great 4A Playoff Game


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